Supplier: Actavo Ireland Limited (formerly Sierra Support Services Group)

6 archived procurements

Recent procurements where the supplier Actavo Ireland Limited (formerly Sierra Support Services Group) is mentioned

2023-05-12   Public realm improvements works to Barrow Street for an area extending from the Grand Canal Street Upper to the... (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council seeks to award a contract for works that will comprise of the following Public Realm Improvement works: โ€ข Introduction of traffic calming measures; โ€ข Widening of footpaths and provision of improved pedestrian crossing points. โ€ข Resurfacing of carriageway and footpaths. โ€ข Provision of cycle parking and cycle stands; โ€ข Improvements to the public realm to facilitate the disabled, visually impaired and elderly including the introduction of guidance strips, marked crossings and dished โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Actavo Ireland Limited (formerly Sierra...
2023-02-17   Minor Works Framework for use by Local Authorities and Transport Agencies for projects funded by the Authority (National Transport Authority)
National Transport Authority Minor Works Framework for use by Local Authorities and Transport Agencies for projects funded by the Authority. The Authority requires the design and execution of various sustainable transport related minor works, including but not limited to: โ€ข Bus stops โ€ข Bus laybys โ€ข Bus Parking areas โ€ข Bus turning areas โ€ข Bus stop and interchange facilities โ€ข Footpaths/Cycle paths โ€ข School zones โ€ข Road works โ€ข Minor building works including depot yards and buildings at various locations โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Actavo Ireland Limited (formerly Sierra... Bryan & Eoin Kenny Plant Hire Ltd Clonmel Enterprises Ltd Colas Contracting Ltd Dancor Civil Engineering Ltd Freeflow Traffic Management Glas Civil Engineering Ltd Lagan Operations and Maintenance Ltd Lakeland Civil Engineering Ltd. McAvoy Contracts Ltd Michael O Malley Tarmacadam Contractors Ltd Richard Nolan Civil Engineering Ltd Sorensen Civil Engineering Ltd Whitemountain Quarries Ltd t/a Breedon Wills Bros Ltd
2022-10-03   Minor Works Frameworks (National Transport Authority)
The National Transport Authority (โ€œNTAโ€) wishes to establish and operate two framework agreements for the provision of minor works for transport schemes funded by the NTA, as follows: โ€ข Lot 1: Single-Party Framework Agreement for Minor Works in the Greater Dublin Area โ€ข Lot 2: Multi-Party Framework Agreement for Minor Works nationally (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the Greater Dublin Area) The NTA intends to enter into the Single-Party Framework Agreement (Lot 1) with one tenderer. The NTA โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Actavo Ireland Limited (formerly Sierra... Bam Contractors Bryan & Eoin Kenny Plant Hire Ltd Clonmel Enterprises Ltd Colas Contracting Ltd Glas Civil Engineering Ltd John Cradock Ltd Lagan Operations and Maintenance Ltd McAvoy Contracts Ltd Priority Construction Ltd Richard Nolan Civil Engineering Ltd Wills Bros Ltd
2021-04-19   The Maintenance, Servicing, Repair and Ticket Replenishment of our on Street Pay and Display Parking Machines within... (Dublin City Council)
The contract shall be for the maintenance, servicing, repair and ticket replenishment of 485 solar powered pay and display parking machines located on street in the Dublin City Council Area. The contract includes all repairs necessitated as a result of vandalism, theft or attempted theft, and the collection of audit tickets as required. All repair records will be made available to evaluate the level of repairs that may be required. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Actavo Ireland Limited (formerly Sierra...
2020-03-05   Multi-party Framework Agreement for Carrying out Roadwork Contracts 2021-25 (less than 1 million) (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council (DCC) will be facilitating the establishment of a multi-party framework agreement with multiple operators for contracts less than EUR 1.0 million on behalf of itself and the local authorities listed hereunder who will be parties to the framework. Dublin City Council Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council (DLRCC) This framework may involve some of the following work elements: โ€ข installation of ducts, gullies, drainage pipes; โ€ข roadway repairs including potholes; โ€ข footway repairs and โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Actavo Ireland Limited (formerly Sierra... Cairn Construction Clonmel Enterprises Ltd Coffey Construction (I) Ltd. dmmorris ltd Jons Civil Engineering Company Limited KN Network Services Richard Nolan Civil Engineering Ltd