Procurements: Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources

20 archived procurements

Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources has historically been a buyer of architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support, and engineering services.
Historically, suppliers to Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources have been Analysys Mason Ltd, Environ Uk, Ernst and Young, Mcconnells Advertising, Pa Consulting, Prisa Technologies Ltd T/A Prisa Consulting, Selgovia Limited, and SLR Consulting Ireland.

Recent procurements by Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources

2016-07-22   Expert Consultancy Services to provide guidance documents for certain mineral exploration activities and their... (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
Expert Consultancy Services to provide guidance documents for certain mineral exploration activities and their likely significant effect on the environment. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: SLR Consulting Ireland
2016-06-14   Petroleum Engineering Consultancy Services (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
The Contracting Authority is seeking the provision of petroleum engineering consultancy services to provide the Petroleum Affairs Division (PAD) with advice, support, evaluation, interpretation and project management services in respect of exploration and production activities. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Selgovia Limited
2014-07-30   Technical, Commercial, Financial and Procurement Advice (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
Provision of technical, commercial, financial and procurement advice for the preparation of a tender for a concessionaire for a telecommunications backhaul infrastructure. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Analysys Mason Ltd
2014-06-27   IOSEA5 - Irish Offshore Strategic Environmental Assessment 5 (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
The successful tenderer will be required to undertake an Irish Offshore Strategic Environmental Assessment (IOSEA 5) with the study area extending through the Atlantic Margin basins west of Ireland, including the entire Porcupine Basin, Slyne Basin, Erris Basin, Donegal Basin, Goban Spur Basin, Fastnet Basin, Celtic Sea Basins, Kish Basin and a substantial part of the Irish Rockall Basin. The assignment will include the establishment of a Framework system for the management and implementation of … View the procurement »
2013-12-23   RFT for the provision of Expert Advice on Oil and Gas Fiscal Terms (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
Request for Tenders for the Provision of Expert Advice on Oil and Gas Exploration, Development and Production Fiscal Terms. View the procurement »
2013-12-23   RFT23122013 - Request for Tenders for the Provision of Technical advice and support serivces to assist in the... (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
Technical advice and support services required to assist the Department with the implementation of the National Postcode System. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Pa Consulting
2013-12-16   To act as Head of Internal Audit at the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources and Department of... (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
To act as Head of Internal Audit at the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources and the Department of Children and Youth Affairs. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Ernst and Young
2013-11-27   Procurement of a Consultant Geophysicist by the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
The Consultant Geophysicist will be required to provide expert input as required across the broad spectrum of the Department's functions in this area, including: — Carrying out seismic interpretation, Kingdom and Landmark-based, on a wide range of projects at both a regional and prospect level; — Independent well depth prognoses and review and audit of licensees' interpretation reports; — Assisting in the evaluation of applications for new authorisations and providing input for the agreement of work … View the procurement »
2013-08-23   Avoca - Request for Tenders for Technical, Design, Procurement and Project Management for Remediation works at the... (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
To assist the Department in identifying the work to be prioritised and to project manage all elements of the work to be carried out. The Minister seeks to appoint experts in the provision of these services for the design, procurement and contract management phases of the remediation works. View the procurement »
2013-06-10   ELMS2013 - Ecodesign and Labelling Market Surveillance Services (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
Provision of market surveillance programme to include product inspections and testing to determine compliance with the relevant EU and national ecodesign and labelling regulations. View the procurement »
2013-02-01   DCENR Comms 01/13 - provision of technical, commercial, economic, financial and procurement advisor(s) for the... (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
DCENR is seeking applications from suitably qualified firms for the provision of specialist telecommunications- related advice and services. This includes but is not necessarily limited to: - specialist technical advice on telecommunications technologies; - advice on procurement; - advice on market dynamics and market developments, and - commercial, financial, and economic advice and support, including the development of a cost benefit analysis in line with the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Prisa Technologies Ltd T/A Prisa Consulting
2012-10-22   Petroleum Engineering Support (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
The Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources has need for the part-time services of an experienced consultant petroleum engineer, with diversified appraisal, development and production experience, to provide high level advice, support, evaluation and project management. Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at View the procurement »
2012-08-21   Skilled GIS resource (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
Skilled GIS Resource for a period of 1 year on a draw down basis with an option to roll the contract over a further 2 years subject to satisfactory performance and renewed annually. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at The awarding authority has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via a "Tender Submission Postbox" facility. … View the procurement »
2012-07-23   Monitoring of mining activities and compliance with conditions of state mining facilities (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
The Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources seeks the provision of expert services invoving the regular physical inspections by suitably qualified personnel of mining operations under State Mining Leases/Licences, to ensure comliance with terms and conditions of those Leases and Licences. In addition, the Department will request on an irregular and as required basis specialist expertise (which may include ecology or hydrogeology) in screening and evaluation of the "Appropriate … View the procurement »
2012-06-21   Environmental Monitoring at former mining areas of Silvermines, Co. Tipperary and Avoca, Co. Wicklow (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
The provision of environmental monitoring services at the former mining areas of Silvermines and Avoca, over a three year period. The services contract will comprise dust, surface water, groundwater, vegetation and geotechnical monitoring, checking the condition of security fencing around mine shafts, adits, open pits, etc. and an annual inspection of the Gortmore (Silvermines) and Shelton Abbey (Avoca) Tailings Management Facilities (TMF). NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any … View the procurement »
2012-01-26   ITT for skilled ICT resources (Jan 2012) (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
The Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources requires experienced and skilled personnel to supplement its existing in-house resources and to assist in the analysis, development and maintenance of information systems. The following specific skill sets are sought as part of this tender: Lot 1: one Oracle Database Administrator (DBA) with spatial expertise. Lot 2: one GIS administrator. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the … View the procurement »
2011-04-29   Public Information and Awareness Services in Support of the Digital Switchover Programme in Ireland (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
The objective of this RFT is to invite proposals for the provision of: 1. a national information and awareness campaign and associated; 2. telephone helpline. To provide information and assistance to TV viewers and other affected stakeholders about digital switchover and in particular to provide the information required to assist TV viewers to move to a digital TV network or service in advance of the switch off of the Irish national analogue terrestrial TV network in Q4 2012. Tenderers are referred to … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Mcconnells Advertising
2011-04-01   Monitoring of Compliance of Consent Conditions for the Construction of the Corrib Gas Pipeline (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
The Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources wishes to engage consultants to assist it in monitoring the implementation of, and adherence to, the conditions of consent for the construction of the Corrib Gas Pipeline along the approved route. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at The awarding authority has indicated that it will accept … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Environ Uk
2011-03-09   Project Manager (National Digital Switchover Programme) (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
This open public procurement competition relates to the provision of Project Management services in the area of Broadcasting. Specifically, Ireland's analogue terrestrial TV network is switching off in Q4 2012 and DCENR is proposing the development of a national digital switchover programme aimed at providing information and assistance to the public in preparation for the closure of the analogue TV network. This programme is aimed at ensuring that TV viewers are not left without access to TV services … View the procurement »
2011-01-17   Appointment of a postcode management licence holder (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
The Department of communications energy and natural resources wish to appoint a supplier to the role of Postcodes management licence holder (PMLH). The holder will be responsible for establishing, operating and maintaining the Irish Postcodes System. Further details on requirements can be found in the pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ). Organisations wishing to be the PMLH should respond to this PQQ. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the … View the procurement »