Provision of International Communication Links
The provision of international telecommunications (data links) from Dublin to its Missions around the world. These locations are divided into 6 lots. The Department consists of HQ Offices in Dublin and Limerick and a number of additional locations in Ireland. These are complemented by over 78 Missions abroad. The location and number are kept under review and are subject to change. Currently the Department has point-to-point communication links from HQ to each Missions. These communication links are provided through a mixture of E1, Ethernet and satellite technologies which facilitate mission critical services such as email, internet access, VoIP, video conferencing, Passport Application System, Visa Application System and Management Information Systems. The Department has 2 HQ data centre locations for the delivery of communication circuits. Currently the data circuits are based on 3 types of technology:
— Satellite connections — bandwidth 1 Mbs,
— E1 Leased Lines — bandwidth 2 Mbs,
— Ethernet Circuit — bandwidth 10 Mbs or 20 Mbs.
The Department’s preference is for terrestrial circuits, where available. Tenderers may submit a tender for single, multiple or all lots. They must be able to provide connectivity to all sites in the lots they bid for. Tenders not meeting this requirement will not be evaluated for that lot. The exception is Lot 6, which will be evaluated on a site by site basis. Tenderers should take note of the satellite hardware that is currently owned by the Department and is in place in certain sites. Tenderers must confirm that they will be in a position to provide the proposed service using this equipment and that all elements of their solution are compatible with the Department‘s existing equipment. Proposals requiring significant new or different hardware will not be considered. However, proposals requiring only minor and low cost adjustments (e.g. larger dishes) will be considered.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2015-11-02.
The procurement was published on 2015-09-21.
Procurement history
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Contract notice