MABS Case Management System
The Citizens Information Board invites responses to this Pre-Qualification Questionnaire from economic operators for the provision of a case management system for the Money Advice and Budgeting Service. Key System Requirements:
โ A system to support client access to MABS though the MABS Helpline or at a local service.
โ A system to support appointment scheduling and waiting list management.
โ A system to support the assessment of a clientโs needs.
โ A system to support case management and workflow which is flexible and can be configured to meet the requirements of the business and the type of case/debts that MABS deals with. The system must support both MABS Money Advise work and MABS Approved Intermediary work.
โ A system to support the processing of payments to creditors on behalf of MABS clients either within the new CMS or a third party payments gateway.
โ A system to support the additional needs of the MABS National Helpline.
โ A system to support non-client work that takes place at a service level.
โ Detailed audit trails of all activity which takes place in system.
โ A document management solution to support and integrate with the case management and workflow management.
โ A reporting and management information capability at both a service and national level, which can provide integrated management information in a user-friendly and cost-effective manner. Standard reports and detailed analytic capabilities will be required along with a BI tool.
โ A system that will allow for the future integration with a Call Centre tool, An Online Client facing CMS and online debt calculators.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2015-07-24.
The procurement was published on 2015-06-17.
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