Framework agreement - verification of placement data incorporating an employer survey

FAS - Foras Aiseanna Saothair, Training and Employment Authority

The Framework Agreement will be for a period of 4 years. The intention of this competition is to arrive at a list of up to five potential service-providers to participate in the framework. Its purpose is to undertake sample verification of placement claims submitted by Providers and Contractors relating to training delivered through the mechanism of Contract Training and the Labour Market Education and Training Fund (Momentum). The service will also include polling of employers to provide general research to the FÁS / SOLAS. The sample size will be 10% of the placement claims for the given period. The detail of the required sample will be included in the mini-competitions for the annual service provision. (The sample size estimate for 2013 is approx. 1,000 employers).
Providers and Contractors will supply FÁS / SOLAS with placement claims. These claims will be sent to the Service Provider who will develop an appropriate sampling strategy ensuring that:
- 10 % of each claim is verified within one month of receiving the claim;
- A wide a range of employers are included in the sample;
- The sample is representative of each course;
The Service Provider will send the survey outcomes to FÁS / SOLAS within one month of receiving the claim. The Service Provider will also be required to poll the employers on a number of questions (to be supplied by FÁS / SOLAS as part of the mini-competition) and provide the data to FÁS in electronic format. The number of questions will not exceed 10 and may combine open-ended and closed questions. The service provider will be free to suggest a mixture of postal, telephone and personal interviews in order to compile their report.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-06-28. The procurement was published on 2013-05-08.



Procurement history
Date Document
2013-05-08 Contract notice