Provision of information technology services framework agreement
An Chéim operates a unique shared service model in the Higher Education sector.
Not only does An Chéim improve communication and services to students and staff, it supports new models of education delivery and management, enabling the institutes to be effective in their operations. An Chéim has delivered programmes to leverage the investment in the strategic applications and put in place leading edge educational IT facilities for IoTs.
It is An Chéim’s intention to improve its services to the higher education institutions for them to compete internationally in the higher education marketplace through enabling and utilizing advanced technologies and services.
To this end, this framework procurement is aimed to qualify a panel of bidders with the level of IT expertise and resources required by An Chéim to assist in the delivery of major projects/services and integration of the principle processes, systems and data used by the higher education institutions.
Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2012-05-04.
The procurement was published on 2012-03-27.
Procurement history
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Contract notice