Supplier: LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company

2 archived procurements

Recent procurements where the supplier LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company is mentioned

2022-09-14   Employee engagement and listening services (Central Bank of Ireland)
The Central Bank is seeking to partner with a suitably qualified provider for the provision of employee engagement and listening services (including a survey mechanism) to support our organisational Engagement and Listening Strategy. The services will support the Central Bank to maximize every opportunity to motivate, value and retain our people through listening, acting and delivering an ever more meaningful, fulfilling and digitally-enabled workplace, and assist the Central Bank in developing more โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company
2022-02-11   Business Development Platform (Enterprise Ireland)
Establishment of a Single Party framework agreement for a Business Development and Prospecting Platform View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company