Supplier: Declan Kennedy

3 archived procurements

Recent procurements where the supplier Declan Kennedy is mentioned

2022-10-10   The provision of Lead Artists for the Art Ability Programme (Wexford County Council)
WCC invites tenders from suitable, qualified, and experienced artists in visual arts and literature and/or companies, to deliver the Art Ability Programme. Art Ability is an inclusive participatory arts programme which celebrates the artistic and creative imagination of people who experience mental health and/or intellectual, physical or sensory disabilities. The programme delivers high quality arts experiences based on meaningful engagement between participant artists and professional artists and is โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Declan Kennedy Joe Brennan John Busher Oonagh Latchford Artist & Workshop Facilitator
2019-10-18   Art Ability Programme โ€” Provision of Lead Artists and Assistant Artist (Wexford County Council)
Wexford County Council invites tenders from suitable, qualified and experienced artists in visual arts and literature and/or companies, to deliver the Art Ability Programme. Art Ability is an inclusive participatory arts programme which celebrates the artistic and creative imagination of people who experience mental health and/or intellectual, physical or sensory disabilities. The programme delivers high quality arts experiences based on meaningful engagement between participant artists and professional โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Declan Kennedy Joe Brennan John Busher Oonagh Latchford Artist and Workshop Facilitator
2016-10-30   WCC invites tenders from suitable, qualified and experienced artists in all art forms to deliver the Arts Ability... (Wexford County Council)
Wexford County Council invites tenders from suitable, qualified and experienced artists in all art forms and/or companies, to deliver the Arts Ability Arts Programme. Arts Ability is an inclusive, participatory arts programme which celebrates the artistic and creative imagination of people who experience mental health problems and/or intellectual, physical or sensory disabilities. Initiated in 2003, the programme has included literature, visual art, drama, music and dance in a variety of venues โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Declan Kennedy Kathleen Delaney Sylvia Cullen