2023-10-16   Request for Tender for the Provision of Air Accident Investigation Insurance (Department of Transport)
Insurance in respect of costs incurred to investigate aircraft accidents, including the costs for location and recovery of wreckage but excluding the costs associated with search and rescue operations. The insurance is on the basis of any one claim and in the aggregate for costs up to a maximum of Eighty Five Million Euro (€85,000,0000)in a single year View the procurement »
2022-05-17   MTU SPARES (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Service seeks tenders from economic operators for the supply of Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Parts to enable the INS carry out the servicing and routine maintenance of the twelve (12) MTU Diesel Engines fitted onboard four Naval Service vessels. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: AVK SEG LUK LTD
2021-04-15   Multi Purpose Motor Launches (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Service seeks tender from economic operators for the provision of four 12 m to 15 m multi purpose motor launches. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: FM Marine Services Ltd
2021-02-10   Invitation to Tender to form a Single Party Framework for the Provision of Fine Art Insurance for The Hugh Lane Gallery (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council wishes to invite tenders to establish a 2-year single party framework agreement for provision of fine art insurance services for The Hugh Lane Gallery. The initial contract will be awarded for a period of two (2) years. The framework will be used to meet the gallery’s fine art insurance requirements which includes the basic annual insurance of the collection, as well as any exceptional cover that may arise during the lifetime of the framework. (E.g. when temporary exhibition loans, … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Willis Towers Watson Insurances (Ireland) Ltd
2020-12-09   Invitation to Tender to Form a Single Party Framework for the Provision of Fine Art Insurance Services for the Hugh... (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council wishes to invite tenders to establish a 4-year single party framework agreement for provision of fine art insurance services for the Hugh Lane Gallery. The initial contract will be awarded for a period of three (3) years, with an option to extend for 1 further year. The framework will be used to meet the Gallery’s fine art insurance requirements which includes the basic annual insurance of the collection, as well as any exceptional cover that may arise during the lifetime of the … View the procurement »
2019-04-25   Marine Transit Insurance (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
The Department wishes to include transit insurance cover for occasional shipments of state owned furniture to/from its missions overseas as part of the overall insurance. The department proposes to award a concession for the provision and administration of these insurance services to a single authorised insurance broker, under terms and conditions and for a period to be agreed. The selected broker will be responsible for: (i) arranging an appropriate level of cover which will be subject to standardised … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Frank Glennon Ltd