2021-12-17   Competition for the provision of Irish Coast Guard Aviation Service (Department of Transport)
The Minister for Transport (“the Contracting Authority”) invites economic operators to request to participate in this public procurement competition (“Competition”) for the provision of Rotary and Fixed Wing services for the Irish Coast Guard (the “Services”) described in Appendix 1 of this pre-qualification questionnaire (“PQQ”). Economic operators may request to participate by submitting a response document (“Response”). The elements of the Services which define the minimum requirements are the … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Bristow Ireland Limited
2021-09-17   Request for Tenders for the provision of Aircraft Related Services for Ordnance Survey Ireland (Ordnance Survey Ireland)
Under Section 4 of the Ordnance Survey Ireland Act 2001 OSI are mandated to provide a national mapping service in the State. In this regard OSI operates in the public interest by creating and maintaining the definitive national mapping and related geographic records of the State. The Surveying and Remote Sensing Division of OSI have responsibility for the update and maintenance of one of those key databases, national coverage aerial imagery, which is supported by supported by our Flying Operations Team, … View the procurement »
2020-10-23   Emergency Air Ambulance Service (Health Service Executive (HSE))
The HSE requires an Emergency Air Ambulance Service to transfer patients (both inpatients and at home based patients) between Ireland and other countries mainly the UK. Emergency Air Ambulance Services and inter hospital air ambulance transfers both inside and outside of Ireland are in general provided by the Irish Air Corps and the Irish Coast Guard Services under existing arrangements. However, due to specific constraints both the Irish Air Corps and the Irish Coast Guard Service are unable to provide … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: IAS Medical Ltd
2017-11-08   RFT Aircraft and Related Services (Ordnance Survey Ireland)
Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi) seeks a commercial arrangement with another organisation for the provision of aircraft and related support services for the acquisition of aerial photography. The attached Request for Tender document sets out the technical and commercial requirements to meet these services. Under the proposed contract, OSi will supply the successful tenderer with the necessary camera equipment, flight plans, camera systems and operators to carry out flying missions. The successful tenderer … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Westair Aviation Ltd
2016-04-01   Request for Tenders for the Provision of a Public Service Obligation Air Service to the Aran Islands (The Office of Government Procurement)
The operation of Galway/Na Mine to/from the Aran Islands Public Service Obligation air route. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Aer Arann Islands
2014-12-02   Air ambulance service (Health Service Executive (HSE))
The requirement is the transfer, via air ambulance, of patients from Ireland to another jurisdiction, often in emergency situations. The entire provision of the service would be the remit of the service provider i.e. staffing, equipment, etc. View the procurement »
2012-09-04   Provision of Aircraft & Related Services (Ordnance Survey Ireland)
The provision of up to three suitable aircraft to successfully accommodate, and allow for the interchanging of, the installation and operation of OSi’s ADS80 Digital Aerial Camera System, ALS 50-11 Airborne LiDAR System, along with the necessary pilots, engineering personnel, operations personnel, hangar facilities, electricity and all necessary certification. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at … View the procurement »