2019-04-24Multi-Party Framework Agreement for the Supply of Cochlear Implants (Beaumont Hospital)
The Contracting Authority requires the supply and support of an internal cochlear implant (receiver and electrode array), external components, sound processor and headset (coil and leads) and any other related items, including rechargeable batteries, battery chargers, associated parts and consumables. The Contracting Authority intends to establish a multi-party framework agreement with 5 suitably qualified and experienced economic operators in this regard. Complete invitation to tender documentation is โฆ
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2011-11-16Spinal Loan Instrumentation System(s) (including Spinal Deformity) and Associated Surgical Implants (St James's Hospital)
The Hospital on behalf of Contracting Authorities will be tendering for an estimated 150 Spinal Surgery procedures (including Spinal Deformity), plus or minus 10 % per annum over a total period of twenty four months. Where quantities have been referred to on the tender documentation, they are an estimate only on the anticipated requirements of the Contracting Authorities for a twenty four month period. The Contracting Authorities may order quantities that are greater or lower than any estimate and may โฆ
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