Procurements: Jigsaw

3 archived procurements

Recent procurements by Jigsaw

2022-06-24   Jigsaw require a provider to install, manage, monitor, maintain and troubleshoot a multi-site linked MPLS network (Jigsaw)
Jigsaw require a provider to install, manage, monitor, maintain and troubleshoot a multi-site linked MPLS network that can deliver optimal internet speeds, optimal IT security at both layer 2 and layer 3 network levels and provide an IP Telephone system to cover all of our 16 sites. View the procurement ยป
2022-05-25   Design, implementation and support of a Case Management System for Jigsaw (Jigsaw)
Jigsaw provides mental health supports for young people aged 12-25 in communities around Ireland. We wish to appoint a provider for the design, implementation and support of a Case Management System to support this work. The successful tenderer shall: + Design and Develop the CMS. + Propose suitable hosting arrangements for the CMS. + Support the transition to the new CMS, including data migration from legacy systems. + Provide ongoing support for an initial period of 3 years. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Mayden House Ltd
2018-02-09   Jigsaw is looking build an ICT network for the organisation (Jigsaw)
Jigsaw โ€” The National Centre for You Mental Health, has a National Office at 16 Westland Square, Pearse Street, Dublin 2 and operates it services across 13 locations around the country. Jigsaw would like to upgrade its current estate and prepare for future growth by upgrading the overall network infrastructure. Ideally Jigsaw would like a single supplier who could meet the end to end communications and hosting requirements. The tender sets ot a brief overview of the Jigsaw setup, a proposed future state โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป