2021-02-12Oracle Cloud@Customer Implementation, Managed Services and Anciliary Services (Irish Cattle Breeding Federation)
Provide services to design, plan and implement the migration of the core Oracle Database systems of ICBF, Production, DR and Test/Dev, to Exadata Cloud at Customer and Exadata Cloud Services. In addition, the migration of 2 ZFS Storage Appliance to a new single ZFS Storage Appliance.
Secondly, to provide on-going managed services for the database and cloud infrastructure elements of the solution.
Finally, application development services covering PHP, Mobile, dotNet and data testing are also required.
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2020-02-28Consultancy in Genetic Genomic Breeding Program Design and Implementation (Irish Cattle Breeding Federation)
ICBF wishes to enter into a contract to acquire knowledge, skills and expertise relevant to undertake tasks related to operating large scale routine genetic genomic evaluations in livestock, experience in developing new phenotypes relevant for livestock breeding and experience in developing new breeding programs as per details below. The requirement is estimated at 150 days of service provision per year, delivered on-site at ICBF offices if required.
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