GMIT Catering Co CLG Supply of Food items
GMIT Catering Company CLG is inviting tenders under the open procedure for the establishment of various multi-operator framework agreements for the supply of food as follows:
Lot Number Item
03 Fresh Poultry,
04 Frozen Poultry,
17 Tinned canned dry goods etc.,
20 Frozen breads pastry etc.
The duration of the initial framework agreement will be for 2 years:
Year 1 — Sept 2017 — August 2018,
Year 2 — Sept 2018 — August 2019.
The framework has the option of 2 12 month extensions.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2017-06-27.
The procurement was published on 2017-05-19.
The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:
Procurement history
Date |
Document |
Contract notice
Contract award notice