Seafarers Information System - Development and Implementation of an ICT system to support the administration and management of Seafarers Information, Certification and Training

Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport

To provide a single electronic register of Irish Certified Seafarers including records of their training and certification history, with external access to the system for:
— approved external certificate providers to input certificate details for seafarers and print certificates locally:
— and other maritime Administrations to perform online verifications to establish the authenticity of Irish certificates.
The system must also facilitate the following:
— «certificate type administration» to enable business users to edit and/or create new certificate types within the system;
— The printing of certificates in a new single page format (with the exception of Discharge and ID books which must remain in booklet form).
— Reporting including standard reports, an ad-hoc report builder and a facility to extract data to meet European reporting requirements.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2014-03-06. The procurement was published on 2014-01-27.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2014-01-27 Contract notice
2014-09-09 Contract award notice