HSE 699 - Market Soundings Exercise National Immunisation and Child Health Information System

Health Service Executive (HSE)

The Health Service Executive (HSE) recognises the value of investing in information systems and is currently spending approx. EUR 40 m on ICT enabled capital projects and a further EUR 96 m on ICT from revenue funding. HSE has recently initiated a project to procure and deploy a new information system covering:
a) the Immunisation Services for adults from birth to grave and
b) Child Health and Screening for children 0 to 18 years of age across all of the geographical areas.
The Business Case for this project is currently being prepared and The HSE are looking for input into formulating the business case for a modern National Immunisation and Child Health Information System in order to:
โ€” facilitate the inclusion of realistic budgetary requirements and timeframes;
โ€” help ensure that we are harnessing appropriate available technologies and support services.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-06-11. The procurement was published on 2013-04-29.




Procurement history
Date Document
2013-04-29 Contract notice