Provision of Helpline Services

Central Bank of Ireland

The service provider will be required to handle calls from members of the public who require information on Central Bank operations and financial sector regulation on behalf of the Central Bank of Ireland within established parameters; to escalate calls to the Central Bank of Ireland where necessary and to maintain a database of all calls received. These services are currently provided offsite. On occasions, there may be a requirement for a significant ramp-up in services to take account of increased numbers of calls following an unexpected announcement/event. On these occasions, there may be a requirement for some processing work/checking of caller details against a database in addition to the normal call handling.
It will be a requirement of the tender that firms provide premises equipped with the telephone equipment and information technology to support and report on the required service. With regard to the staffing of the facility, background/experience in the financial services industry in Ireland is required. Fluency in the English language and an ability to communicate in the Irish language are also required. The contract will be established initially for one year. Subject to satisfactory performance and ongoing review by the Central Bank of Ireland, it may be extended annually for up to two additional years.
NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2011-05-18. The procurement was published on 2011-04-18.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2011-04-18 Contract notice
2012-01-13 Contract award notice