Partial revision of steam turbine generator, Tarbert no. 4 (revised scope)

Endesa Ireland Ltd.

In September 2010 a notice was published in OJEU (ref. # 2010/S 176-269048) via eTenders (ID # SEP168816) for "Revision of steam turbine generator, Tarbert no. 4. Including supply of turbine blades". As a result of a material change in scope this notice is being issued for a revised and reduced scope of work and supersedes the previous notice. Endesa Ireland wishes to invite expressions of interest for the partial revision of steam turbine generator, Tarbert no. 4. The scope of works shall include the overhaul of the stop and control valves of both the high pressure (HP) and intermediate pressure (IP) steam turbines; the air assisted non return and motorised isolation valves of the six steam extractions; and, an examination of the main journal bearings of the turbine and generator. During the course of the work the generator will be visually inspected and cooling systems tested. The generator will not be dismantled for this work. The partial revision of steam turbine generator, Tarbert no. 4 is anticipated to take place during the latter half of 2011, though outage dates have not been agreed yet it is anticipated to take place during September. The outage period will be 21 days. The following are no longer required and have been excluded from the scope:
— Low pressure turbine blade examination - supply and installation of replacement blades,
— The outage period is no longer 37 days.
Other tasks remain as part of the scope but some requirements for these may have changed. Please refer to the information memorandum supplied with this notice on for more details.
Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2011-03-04. The procurement was published on 2011-02-02.



Procurement history
Date Document
2011-02-02 Contract notice