Multi supplier framework for wind turbine contracts relating to bord gais wind farm developments

Bord Gais Eireann

The anticipated scope applicable to the framework includes but is not limited to the following works:
โ€” Wind turbine generator supply and commission including associated turbine electrical works and SCADA system.
The client may also require any one or combination of, the following additional services under the framework.
โ€” Wind turbine foundation design,
โ€” Wind turbine foundation construction including concrete bases, excavation to suitable formation level and build up to the required level,
โ€” Complete wind farm civils works including.
Design, site compounds,set-down areas for turbine components stream crossings if required, disposal of excavated material. Reinstatement of storage areas and existing tracks after construction. Site drainage, site roads suitable for a load bearing capacity of at least 200kN/m-2;
Trenching including duct for electrical cabling and fibre optic;
Hard stand areas suitable for a load bearing capacity of at least 200kN/m-2; importation of stone and disposal of unacceptable material. Wind farm electrical construction works may include; wind farm medium voltage (MV) collector system, electrical substation including but not limited to grid connected transformer (grid voltage of 38kV or 110kV), substation building and compound, MV main breaker and switchboard, HV installation subject to the ESB/Eirgrid connection agreement boundary of scope and responsibility for meeting all relevant ESB/Eirgrid functional specifications. Earthing design and installation.
Fibre optic network, grid code compliance and testing (including any additional equipment required to meet all conditions of the grid code, signals and interfaces).
Civil works for the electrical substation including buildings and all plinths required for outdoor switchgear and transformers. Design co-ordination with ESB networks & Eirgrid. In order to pre-qualify the applicant must satisfy all of the minimum requirements specified. Please forward your expression of interest for the attention of the energy procurement manager to
Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2011-04-04. The procurement was published on 2011-03-03.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2011-03-03 Contract notice
2011-11-10 Contract award notice