Cork Science and Innovation Park (CSIP) - infrastructure project

Cork County Council

Cork County Council proposes to engage a consultancy to undertake the project management, consultant engineer, employer's representative and client's representative duties for the development of the infrastructure for a proposed Science and Innovation Park to be located adjacent the western suburbs of Cork City.
The scheme includes the construction of:
โ€” a 2km access road and associated junctions,
โ€” 2 no. river bridges,
โ€” services infrastructure installation (foul and storm sewers, watermain, ducting),
โ€” development of a large water feature (7.5 hectare lake, including a weir and pedestrian bridge).
Duties of the Project Manager, Consultant, Clientโ€™s Representative/Employer's Representative will include:
โ€” Preliminary Design - All services required to prepare planning submission.
Planning-all services required to prepare and submit planning applications.
โ€” Procurement and Management of Specialist Consultancy Packages,
โ€” Tender - Preparation of contract drawings and specifications. Procurement of the Infrastructure Design and Build Contract,
โ€” Construction - Construction Supervision, Contract Monitoring and Administration Services of Infrastructure Contracts. Act as Clients Representative for Design and Build Contract,
โ€” Handover of Works - Supervise Handover and ensure Employer's Requirements have been met.
The project design brief, fully detailing the duties to be fulfilled by the successful Tenderer will be issued to pre-qualified applicants.
Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2011-04-11. The procurement was published on 2011-02-25.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:


Procurement history
Date Document
2011-02-25 Contract notice
2011-03-30 Additional information
2012-06-01 Contract award notice