Supplier: Xcel Xecutive Cleaners Ltd

2 archived procurements

Recent procurements where the supplier Xcel Xecutive Cleaners Ltd is mentioned

2016-03-16   Request for Tender for Window Cleaning Services throughout the State (The Office of Government Procurement)
Window Cleaning Services for Central Government Departments, Offices and non-commercial Agencies and Organisations which have a formal reporting and legal relationship to Central Government Departments, including but not limited to An Garda Sรญochรกna, the Irish Prison Service, the Office of Public Works and the Defence Forces, All Regional and Local Government bodies including but not limited to Regional Assemblies, City and County Councils, County Enterprise Boards and library bodies, Contracting โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Accent Facilities Solutions Agua Clean Services Ltd city contract cleaners ltd Derrycourt Company Ltd Emerald Contract Cleaners Ireland Ltd t/a... Grosvenor Services Momentum Support Noonan Xcel Xecutive Cleaners Ltd