Recent procurements where the supplier Odin Consultants Ltd is mentioned
2017-12-08Provision of Application and Database Development and Support Services to ComReg (Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg),)
Provision of Application and Database Development and Support Services to Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg).
This Call for Competition is published on OJEU (TED) and E-tenders RFT 122889 using the Competitive Dialogue Procurement Procedure.
Please refer to all published Tender Documentation when completing a questionnaire/application/submission.
1) Qualification - PQQ - Step 1 of RFT 126713
2) Dialogue
3) Invitation to Submit Final Tenders (ISFT) - Step 2 of RFT 122889- by invitation
4) โฆ
View the procurement ยป Mentioned suppliers:Odin Consultants Ltd