Supplier: Occupational Hygiene and Safety Services

2 archived procurements

Recent procurements where the supplier Occupational Hygiene and Safety Services is mentioned

2021-02-12   Single Source Framework of ACM Consultancy Services and Asbestos Removal to Existing Laboratories in the Kane... (University College Cork (UCC))
This tender is to establish a single source framework of ACM Consultancy Services to whom specific contracts may be awarded on an exclusive basis based on the terms of a framework agreement. The framework agreement will be established on foot of competitive tenders received for the award of the initial contract for the asbestos removal to existing laboratories in the Kane Science Building. The Initial contract comprises the removal of ACM Insulation to Physics Laboratory 203 and Chemistry Laboratories โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Occupational Hygiene and Safety Services