Supplier: Bien Venue

One archived procurement

Bien Venue has historically been a supplier of hotel, restaurant and retail trade services, hotel services, and hotel accommodation services.
Historically, competing bidders have been Ballsbridge Hotel, Dylan Hotel, Radisson Blu St Helen's Hotel, and Talbot Hotel Stillorgan.

Recent procurements where the supplier Bien Venue is mentioned

2019-10-25   RTร‰ Hotel Panel (Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE))
This invitation to tender (ITT) invites tender submissions from suitably qualified applicants for RTร‰ to create a panel with a limited number of hotel groups or individual hotels to deliver hotel services on a value for money basis to meet RTร‰โ€™s requirement (contained within the โ€˜Specificationโ€™). We would envisage that this panel will consist of a mixture of 4 and 5 star rating hotels. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Ballsbridge Hotel Bien Venue Dylan Hotel Radisson Blu St Helen's Hotel Talbot Hotel Stillorgan