2019-12-11Recreational and Educational after School Activities in 13 Lots (Oberstown Children Detention Campus)
The services comprise a suite of recreational and educational after school activities to be delivered in a fun and relaxed manner so as to engage and inspire young people with a view to offering a pathway into further education and career development.
The services are being delivered in a total of 13 Lots as follows:
โ Lot 1: Safepass Course,
โ Lot 2: Pre-Apprenticeship Carpentry,
โ Lot 3: Music lessons โ Learn to Play,
โ Lot 4: Introduction to Culinary Arts,
โ Lot 5: FAI Football Coaching Instruction,
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View the procurement ยป
2019-06-11Request for Tenders for the Provision of Professional On-Site Fitness Instructor Services to operate and manage the... (Houses of the Oireachtas Service)
In summary, the services comprise: the provision of professional fitness instructor services. The instructor is to operate and manage the service and will be on-site in the Oireachtas Fitnes Room at all times during opening hours. This role will include overseeing all aspects of the service during those times. It will require general operational management of the gym while also providing advice on, and working closely with, the Contracting Authority to ensure a sustainable quality service is developed โฆ
View the procurement ยป Mentioned suppliers:InSpire