2022-09-23   Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board are seeking tenders to supply musical instruments & equipment that... (Kilkenny and Carlow ETB)
Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board are seeking tenders to supply musical instruments & equipment that will be used in the provision of services for Musical Generation Programmes in Kilkenny and Carlow and also to KCETB Schools and FET centres if required. The musical instruments must be durable, robust, high quality and suitable towards the beginner and intermediate students in education surroundings. This also applies to the cases in which the instruments will be stored and transported in. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Educational Music Services LTD Musicmaker Ltd
2020-05-26   Framework Agreement for Provision of Lidar Equipment to Coillte CGA (Coillte CGA)
Coillte CGA invites tenders for provision of LIDAR equipment as per the tender document attached to this notice. The objective of this tender competition is to: A. appoint successful candidate(s) to a framework agreement for LiDAR wind measurement equipment requirements going forward for the life of the framework; and B. purchase three initial LiDAR wind measurement devices that meet the technical criteria outlined in the tender document attached. View the procurement ยป
2017-10-11   Request for Tender for provision and service of wind measuring met technologies to Coillte CGA (Coillte CGA)
Coillte invites suitable candidates to tender for provision and service of wind measuring met technologies to Coillte CGA under a Framework Agreement. Please find attached tender documentation and take note of the deadline for receipt of tenders. View the procurement ยป