Procurements: Protective and safety clothing (page 2)
2013-08-21Expressions of interest for Supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Clothing for Coillte (Coillte Teoranta)
Coillte requests “Expressions of Interest” from suitable service providers to supply and deliver Personal Protective equipment and clothing. (e.g. protective footwear, gloves, masks, goggles etc) on a nationwide basis. Full details of items required with specifications and estimated annual quantities will be supplied at tender stage. Only candidates that can provide a nationwide service should apply. Please complete the PQQ attached to this notice and return by the deadline date stated.
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2013-05-31Invitation to Tender for Supply of Personal Protective Clothing & Equipment 2013 - 2016 (South Dublin County Council)
The Council is establishing a single party Framework Agreement for the procurement of its Personal Protective Clothing & Equipment requirements for a period of three years from August 2013 to August 2016. There will be an option of extending for one further year at South Dublin Council's discretion up to August 2017. South Dublin County Council is inviting suitably qualified providers to supply and deliver Protective Clothing, Footwear and Personal Protective Equipment (e.g. rainwear, protective …
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2012-04-11Protective clothing, footwear and personal protective equipment (Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail)
Iarnród Éireann wishes to establish a multi party framework agreement for the provision of protective clothing, footwear and personal protective equipment.
Expressions of Interest are sought from suitably qualified providers to supply and deliver protective clothing, footwear and personal protective equipment (e.g. rainwear, protective footwear, gloves, masks, goggles etc) on a national basis. Iarnród Éireann has approximately 1 000-1 200 employees that may require protective clothing, footwear and …
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2012-04-02Multi-party framework agreement for provision of high visibility clothing and accessories (Road Safety Authority (RSA))
Provision of high visibility clothing and accessories.
Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at
The awarding authority has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via a 'Tender Submission Postbox' facility. Further details of this facility are available at
Suppliers are …
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2011-10-12Supply of PPE and Footwear (Dublin Bus / Bus Atha Cliath)
Dublin Bus invites Suitably qualified providers to submit pre-selection information for consideration for inclusion on a tender list for a contract for the supply of personal protective equipment and protective footwear for a period of 3 years. The tender will be considered as 2 seperate lots. Lot 1-PPE, Lot 2-Footwear. Candidates should indicate on their PSQ whether they wish to be considered for, one or both lots.
The requirement for PPE includes gloves, goggles, ear defenders, outer Hi-Viz apparel …
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2011-07-08Supply of fire tunics, over-trousers, and helmets for Cork city fire brigade (Cork City Council)
Cork City Council has approximately 140 operational firefighters that may require protective equipment. The quantities indicated are estimated, indicative requirement and quantities may vary up to 50 %. No guarantee is given that the quanties alluded to will be purchased. Tenderers have the option to tender for all or some of the items listed in the specification. Cork city fire service reserve the right to purchase items from different tenderers. 120 no. sets of fire fighting tunics, 120 no. sets of …
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