Procurements: Irish Farm Film Producers' Group CLG (IFFPG)

One archived procurement

Irish Farm Film Producers' Group CLG (IFFPG) has historically been a buyer of sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services, refuse and waste related services, and refuse disposal and treatment.

Recent procurements by Irish Farm Film Producers' Group CLG (IFFPG)

2018-06-18   Collection and recycling services for historical farm tyre waste (Irish Farm Film Producers' Group CLG (IFFPG))
The Irish Farm Film Producers' Group CLG (IFFPG) is the national farm plastics recycling scheme. IFFPG's role is to provide a comprehensive farm plastics recycling service to Irish farmers through an annual bring-centres programme. IFFPG has agreed to a request by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment to provide an historical farm tyre waste recycling service on its behalf. A fund of approximately 675 000 EUR (excl. VAT) has been made available for this purpose. The RFT is โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Advanced Environmental Solutions (Ireland) Ltd