2020-08-05DPS for the Provision of Goods and Services for Energy and Climate Action Consultancy Projects and for the Provision... (3 Counties Energy Agency)
The 3 Counties Energy Agency (โ3CEAโ) (the โContracting Authorityโ) is issuing this request for applications to participate (โRFATPโ) in a Dynamic Purchasing System (โDPSโ) on its own behalf and on behalf of other agencies and public bodies such as SEAI Sustainable Energy Communities, members of the Association of Irish Energy Agencies (AIEA), One-Stop-Shops under the aegis of the National Retrofit Delivery Body, local authorities and LEADER companies. The DPS will be coordinated and managed by the 3CEA.
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2018-10-30Multi Supplier Framework for DEC, BER, NDBER, Building Surveyor/Inspector and Energy Auditing Services (3 Counties Energy Agency)
3cea have developed a multi supplier framework for the following services:
โ Lot 1: Display Energy Certificate (DEC) Assessors,
โ Lot 2: Building Energy Rating (BER) Assessors,
โ Lot 3: Non-Domestic Building Energy Rating (NDBER) Assessors,
โ Lot 4: Building Surveyors/Inspectors,
โ Lot 5: Energy Auditing Services.
Each lot will be a separate contract and it is envisaged up to 5 contractors (framework members) will be appointed under each Framework Agreement for each lot, at the discretion of 3cea.
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