Description of the procurement
Community and Agricultural Stakeholder Engagement Coordinator
LIFE IP Wild Atlantic Nature seeks a contractor to provide the service of multi-actor coordination advisor (MACA) along with fulfilling a coordination role between LIFE IP Wild Atlantic Nature, members of the public, community groups, agricultural stakeholders (including farmers, agricultural advisors, DAFM, the Cooperation Project teams in the northwest) and policy makers, peatland and water quality experts. The focus areas for the role are: community engagement, provision of training, and monitoring and coordination of the implementation of agriculture-related ecological restoration actions across LIFE IP Wild Atlantic Nature and within related projects.
It is expected that the contractor will be available as a full-time equivalent.
Community Engagement and Collaboration
โข Key local contact point for community groups
โข Facilitation of community workshops relating to core objectives of WAN
โข Outreach with communities regarding peatland restoration actions of the project
โข Collaborate and advise stakeholders in DHLGH/NPWS/Waters, DAFM and other existing/new EIP/LIFE projects regarding reconciliation between agriculture and environment.
โข Maintain and improve collaboration and effective communication between DHLGH/NPWS, DAFM and other government depts.
โข Preparing and delivering presentations and communication materials, as relevant.
โข Assisting local communities in the development of complementary funding applications
โข Represent LIFE IP Wild Atlantic Nature at meetings, workshops, seminars, and conferences, as appropriate.
โข Develop relationships with key public representatives to build support and ensure that the projectโs objectives are communicated effectively.
โข Monitor and contribute to the development of agriculture and land use policy, particularly in relation to CAP 2027 and environmental legislation.
โข Coordinate processes to assist stakeh