The provision of a Public Attitudes Survey for An Garda Síochána

An Garda Síochána

The objective for An Garda Síochána in undertaking this procurement exercise is to procure the services of a company that will provided a top quality survey of public attitudes relating to awareness and effectiveness of Garda publicity campaigns, perceptions of crime at local and national levels, key priorities for the organisation as viewed by the public, the experience of victims of crime and their levels of satisfaction, views of the Garda organisation and how it can be improved, as well as satisfaction with the service provided to local communities at the most economically advantage price possible. The Public Attitudes Survey now plays an important governance role in the Garda organisation. It will help monitor the organisation's Strategy Statement 2016-2018 and provide performance data for 2017 Policing Plan targets.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2017-08-17. The procurement was published on 2017-07-04.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2017-07-04 Contract notice
2018-02-26 Contract award notice