Review of coilltes timber sales system

Coillte Teoranta

The Coillte Group is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified candidates to undertake a review of its Timber Sales System (TSS).
The TSS is used by Coillte to offer its annual supply of circa 1.7 million m3 of sawlogs to the market.
The system incorporates a regular (fortnightly) sales offer through electronic auction.
Coillte now wishes to procure an external consultant to carry out a review of the system.
The review will include (but not limited to):
1. Identifying the future business needs (including customer needs) in the context of the sale of its sawlogs;
2. Determining the criteria for what constitutes a โ€˜best in class' timber sales system;
3. Reviewing the effectiveness of the current TSS, including its strengths and weaknesses;
4. Reviewing other sales models in similar commodity markets with a view to identifying and evaluating alternative options;
5. Finally to make recommendations on changes, if any, to the current TSS
The procurement process will involve three stages:
1. Pre-qualification stage, where interested candidates will be evaluated and shortlisted through to;
2. Dialogue stage, where candidates will be afforded the opportunity to discuss
Coillte's desired objectives for the review from which they will be shortlisted through to;
3. Tender stage, where candidates will be requested to submit their final tender proposal.
Attached to this notice is a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ), which candidates must complete and submit as part of the first stage.
Submissions will then be scored and evaluated based on the published selection criteria contained within the PQQ.
Only companies who can demonstrate that they have the relevant resources and experience should apply.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2014-06-23. The procurement was published on 2014-05-23.




Procurement history
Date Document
2014-05-23 Contract notice