Provision of PRS Business Requirements

National Transport Authority

The NTA require a system which will allow for electronic submissions of funding application and grants by numerous Implementing Agencies countrywide. The system must also allow for reporting and payment tracking. Due to the nature and sensitivity of administering grant payments, the system must provide a full audit trail on all user actions, controls are to be in place to ensure only the correct users have access to information relevant to them and that from an auditing perspective, there is visibility into the approving of funding applications, allocation adjustments and claims.
The business requirements detailed in Section 3.3 are separated by the following headings:
โ€” System Overview;
โ€” User Management;
โ€” Registration;
โ€” Projects;
โ€” Claims;
โ€” Payruns;
โ€” Integration with Agresso;
โ€” Reporting;
โ€” Non Functional Requirements.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2015-02-06. The procurement was published on 2014-12-16.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2014-12-16 Contract notice
2015-04-23 Contract award notice