App for New English-Irish Dictionary

Foras na Gaeilge

Foras na Gaeilge invites tenders for the development of an app for its New English-Irish Dictionary (NEID — see Both iOS and Android versions are required.
This app is required immediately, in the future the successful tenderer may be asked to also supply apps for other dictionaries belonging to Foras na Gaeilge.
The NEID is the first major English-Irish Dictionary to be published since 1959.
The app will be a premium high-quality product, sales of 10 000+ copies are expected in the first 2 years.
An Irish-language version of this notice and its attached documents is also available — see RFT 900074 on site

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2015-01-09. The procurement was published on 2014-11-19.



Procurement history
Date Document
2014-11-19 Contract notice
2014-11-21 Additional information