HRIITOCT13 - Single party framework for the provision of services relating to the redevelopment of Horse Racing Ireland's Racing system

Horse Racing Ireland (HRI)

Horse Racing Ireland (HRI) is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified service providers to design, build, test and deliver a modern web based system to replace the existing Alpha Racing system using a phased and modular approach. The initial award relates to phase 2 of the overall project. HRI reserve the right to award phases 3 & 4 subsequently or through a seperate competitive process.
Based on this approach the decision has been taken to appoint a 3rd party service provider to partner HRI with this project using a single party framework structure. The appointment and award of contract will be conducted under the Competitive Dialogue process and this will be advertised at European level.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-11-04. The procurement was published on 2013-10-04.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2013-10-04 Contract notice
2014-08-15 Contract award notice