Framework Agreement for Strategic Partner for On-Line Testing, Authoring and Delivery

Educational Research Centre

The Educational Research Centre invites expressions of interest from
competent parties interested in being considered for a single-party framework agreement over an initial 5 year period for the provision of an On-Line Test Authoring and Delivery Platform. The maximum period for the framework is up to 10 years. The overall scope of the requirements relates to a platform through which ERC tests will be delivered to schools and test takers. The platform will be able to support both current and yet-to-be-developed tests that will include, for example, interactive activities (at the item level) and adaptive functionality (at the test level). This accompanying document comprises a qualification questionnaire and information about the framework agreement to be awarded. It sets out the overall scope of the framework, commencing with the initial phase which includes the technical and functional design necessary for the development of the system. This initial phase is the basis upon which the framework agreement will be concluded with the successful tenderer. Further contracts under the framework agreement will be awarded to the framework operator only after consultation with the ERC.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-06-12. The procurement was published on 2013-05-10.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:


Procurement history
Date Document
2013-05-10 Contract notice
2013-11-29 Contract award notice