Framework Agreement for Provision of an Athlete Management System

Irish Sports Council

Irish Sports Council wishes to procure a secure online athlete management system, which caters for the management and control of Institute of Sport athlete.
management data and supports the activities of the ISC High Performance Unit and Anti Doping Unit. The system must allow for the activation of functionality to allow National Governing Bodies (NGBs), coaches, service providers, and athletes to contribute centrally.
It is envisaged that the successful tenderer will propose an established system that has a longstanding reliability and a history of satisfying similar needs to those of ISC in this instance. The system will be hosted by the successful tenderer.
The project scope will initially focus on the following priorities:
1.Centralised appointment system for all services provided by the Institute of Sport;
2.A central repository for all High Performance athlete data;
3.A web based user interface which is accessible on multiple devices by internal and external users;
4.Data collection, reporting and analysis
A single party framework agreement is being awarded.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-10-24. The procurement was published on 2013-09-13.



Procurement history
Date Document
2013-09-13 Contract notice