Enterprise Backup Solution C/W Associated Hardware, Software & Services

South Dublin County Council

South Dublin County Council has identified a requirement
to review the existing backup and recovery infrastructure to
address inadequate performance and ongoing difficulties
in managing the backup strategy as a result. Current
backup systems were installed a number of years ago and
were configured to meet requirements at that time. In order
to properly plan for the future and to cater for the increasing
digital data storage requirements, SDCC wishes to
implement a scalable solution that will evolve to
accommodate future storage and digital data backup
requirements. SDCC also wishes to take advantage of
lower running costs, including reduced power consumption.
SDCC also wishes to incorporate data de-duplication,
archive and replication elements for the backup process
with the aim of decreasing the digital data storage
requirement and to reduce the volume of data that must be
sent across the network, resulting in the delivery a true
enterprise data backup system.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-12-06. The procurement was published on 2013-10-24.



Procurement history
Date Document
2013-10-24 Contract notice