011-03-273 - Project Management Services for the SEM Market Integration Project

The RAs c/o Commission for Energy Regulation

The Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) and the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation (or Utility Regulator), known as the Regulatory Authorities (or RAs) have developed an all-island Single Electricity Market (SEM) which came into operation on 1st November 2007. European Heads of State and Governments have pledged to create an internal market for electricity by 2014. Throughout the European Union, national electricity markets are being reviewed to align with a common European โ€˜Target Model' for cross border capacity allocation and congestion management upon which the Internal Electricity Market is to be founded. Detailed rules that give legal effect to this Target Model will be binding on all EU internal borders by 2014.
The Single Electricity Market (SEM) operating in Ireland and Northern Ireland will require significant modifications to implement the Target Model.
The SEM Committee is committed to implementing these changes and integrating the island of Ireland into the Internal Electricity Market. The magnitude of change required for the SEM to achieve this is considered to be greater than for most other markets in Europe owing to its centralised, gross mandatory pool design which differs in a number of key respects from the prevailing market design in most other European Member States.
The RAs require Project Manager expertise to successfully deliver the European Market Integration Project. The Project Manager will report to the Market Integration Project Board and a designated manager within the RAs. The experienced Project Manager will be responsible for working with the key stakeholders to ensure the successful delivery of the overall programme to the agreed timeline and scope.
The initial contract will be for a two year period with an option to extend for, up to, a further two years on an annual basis subject to written agreement between the successful tenderer and RAs.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-05-03. The procurement was published on 2013-03-22.




Procurement history
Date Document
2013-03-22 Contract notice
2013-10-03 Additional information