Telephony and Data Services to the CIE Group of Companies
This is a call for competition.
CIE Intend to put in place a Framework Agreement for the provision of Telephony and Data Services to the CIE Group of companies.
It is envisaged that the Framework will consist of 5 lots.
Lot 1: Voice Services at fixed locations.
Lot 2: Data Services at Fixed locations.
Lot 3: Mobile Voice and Data Services.
Lot 4: Mobile data for Passenger Wi-Fi.
Lot 5: All Lots.
Lot 1: Voice Services at fixed locations Brief Description.
Brief Description: CIE currently utilises fixed line voice services to meet it's telephony requirements at locations throughout the country. This service is delivered on both ISDN (Primary rate and basic rate) lines and analogue lines.
Our requirement from this lot is the provision of Voice services at fixed locations. CIE is not specifying the methodology currently employed must be continued. It will be the responsibility of tenderers (at tender stage of this process) to deliver a solution to support the requirement.
Lot 2: Data Services at Fixed locations Brief Description:
For itโs locations where it does not currently provide itโs own connectivity, or where backup connections are required, CIE utilises fixed line data services to provide connectivity to itโs data centres in Oriel St and Inchicore, Dublin.
The fixed line data services in use comprise point-to-point links, MPLS services and in a limited number of locations dialup ISDN services. Bandwidths range from 64KBPS UP TO 10Mbps on MPLS services.
Services provided at the data centres are sized appropriately to cater for the aggregate bandwidths of the remote sites. CIE also uses broadband services to facilitate home workers.
Our requirement from this lot is the provision of data services at fixed locations. CIE is not specifying the methodology currently employed must be continued. It will be the responsibility of tenderers (at tender stage of this process) to deliver a solution to support the requirement.
Lot 3: Mobile Voice and Data Services: Brief Description.
CIE has a landscape of over 2000 mobile phones and in excess of 1000, data only, SIM telemetry and positioning systems. Blackberry and Activesync services are supported on the mobile network also.
Our requirement from this lot is the provision of Mobile Phone voice and Data services.
Lot 4: Mobile Data for passenger Wi-Fi: Brief Description.
CIE Group currently provide mobile Wi-Fi for itโs passengers on trains and buses. In order to support this service there is a requirement for a data bundle that is currently estimated at 8TB.
Lot 5: Brief Description.
The provision of Lotโs 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Duration of Framework:
The Framework will have a maximum duration of 3 years. Contract awards within the framework may have varying durations and also varying start dates.
Lot Application;
Applicants may apply to be included in one lot, multiple lots or all lots. There is no requirement at this time to indicate what lots you wish to be considered for, this will be address in the pre qualification document.
Contract Award.
Contract award will be determined by the Most Economically Advantageous Tender. Irish Rail may decide to Award the contract based on any of the following:
1. Single Vendor โ Single lot
2. Multi Vendor โ Mutli lot.
3. Multi Vendor โ Single lot
4. Multi Lot - Single Vendor
5. All Lots โ Single Vendor
Contract award criteria will be available at ITT stage.
Registering your interest.
There is no requirement to send information at this time. When the notification period expires a Pre qualification document will be issued to interested parties.
In order to register your interest you should e-mail and no further action is required at this time. Please ensure that the subject bar of your e-mail reads: Expression of Interest Telephony and Data services. You should put a delivery notification on your e-mail. It is your responsibility to ensure expressions of interest are received.
Once the Pre-qualification document has issued you will have 10 days to complete and return. 3 Hard copy Pre qualification socuments will be required and 1 soft copy.
Expressions of interest must be received by 16.7.2012.
It must be noted that CIE shall take account of the need to ensure adequate competition in determining the number of contractors selected to tender for or to negotiate the contract.
Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2012-07-16.
The procurement was published on 2012-06-15.
Procurement history
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Contract notice