HR & Payroll System Contract

St Patrick's College (Drumcondra)

The College is seeking a fully integrated HR and payroll solution to standardise its business processes. The College requires an application that will support the full employee lifecycle from โ€˜Hire to Retireโ€™ and will provide a consolidated view of the employee across the organisation. The solution must be robust and scalable to grow in line with the Collegeโ€™s upgrade strategy and must have the capability to evolve over time to support the changing business requirements of the College. Ongoing support and maintenance of the solution will also be provided by the successful economic operator, in order to ensure ongoing fitness for purpose from both a functional and technical perspective.
Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2012-11-26. The procurement was published on 2012-10-24.



Procurement history
Date Document
2012-10-24 Contract notice
2013-12-19 Additional information