Consultancy support for gas transmission & distribution revenue control (2012/13-2016/17)

Commission for Energy Regulation

The Commission for Energy Regulation (the "CER") is the independent body responsible for overseeing the liberalisation of Ireland's energy sector. Under the Gas (Interim) (Regulation) Act, 2002, the Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) approves charges for the use of the natural gas distribution and transmission systems. The CER is also required to examine the costs and revenues underlying such charges.
At present these revenues are determined every 5 years for the following 5 year period. The CER has previously determined transmission and distribution revenue controls for the periods 1.10.2003 to 30.9.2007 and 2007/08 to 2011/12 inclusive.
This request for tender concerns the provision of economic, technical and financial advice in regard to the third set of transmission and distribution revenue controls that are expected to apply from 2012/13 to 2016/17. The CER now invites tenders for the provision of advice on this project.
Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at
The awarding authority has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via a "tender submission postbox" facility. Further details of this facility are available at
Suppliers are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems. The postbox closes precisely at the time stated.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2011-03-21. The procurement was published on 2011-02-08.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2011-02-08 Contract notice
2011-08-22 Contract award notice