Supplier: Suas Educational Development

2 archived procurements

Recent procurements where the supplier Suas Educational Development is mentioned

2020-03-23   Provision of Public Awareness Workshops for Irish Aid (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade / An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
The Irish Aid Centre in Dublin provides workshops on the work of Ireland’s overseas development cooperation programme targeting students mainly at primary, second and, to some extent, third level, as well as providing assistance with outreach at various public events across the country. The current contract for the management and facilitation of public awareness workshops will expire on 30 June 2020. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is now inviting submission of tenders with a view to … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Suas Educational Development
2017-03-23   The facilitation and delivery of the Public Awareness programme in the Irish Aid Centre (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
Irish Aid is inviting the submission of tenders with a view to contracting a provider for the management and facilitation of educational workshops and a public information service for a three year period from 1.7.2017 to 30.6.2020. Specific outputs required include 1. The provision of the Irish Aid programme of workshops for schools and colleges, both at the Irish Aid Centre, and in agreed locations around the country. 2. The ability to respond to online and phone queries about the work of Irish Aid and … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Suas Educational Development