Public procurement in Ireland
Supplier: Pavilion Health Europe PTE Ltd
Supplier: Pavilion Health Europe PTE Ltd
One archived procurement
Pavilion Health Europe PTE Ltd has historically been a supplier of
IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
software programming and consultancy services
, and
software-related services
Recent procurements where the supplier Pavilion Health Europe PTE Ltd is mentioned
Provision of a HIPE Data Quality Assessment Tool and a Patient Costing and Activity Benchmarking Tool for the Health...
Health Service Executive (HSE)
The HSE hereby invites suitably qualified and experienced service providers to submit tenders to provide a HIPE Data Quality Assessment Tool and Lot 2 Patient Costing and Activity Benchmarking Tool for the Healthcare Pricing Office. This tender has been split into 2 lots. Lot 1 HIPE Data Quality Assessment Tool and Lot 2 Patient Costing and Activity Benchmarking Tool. Tenderers may submit a tender for individual lots or both lots.
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Mentioned suppliers:
Pavilion Health Europe PTE Ltd
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IT services: consulting, software...
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