Supplier: Kiwa Ltd. t/a Kiwa Gastec

One archived procurement

Recent procurements where the supplier Kiwa Ltd. t/a Kiwa Gastec is mentioned

2020-12-16   HARP Database Management and Maintenance Services below EU Threshold (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland)
Below EU Threshold The RFT seeks proposals for the ongoing Mgt and Dev of the Home-heating Appliance Register of Performance (HARP) database that provides certified info on efficiency of heating appliances available in Ireland. A single supplier will be appointed to manage HARP, and all ancillary services who will be experienced in: โ€ข relevant test standards, appliance efficiency calculations and use of certified data; โ€ข database development and Mgt; โ€ข technical support experience. Relevant interests โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Kiwa Ltd. t/a Kiwa Gastec