Supplier: Cuddy QS

4 archived procurements

Recent procurements where the supplier Cuddy QS is mentioned

2023-01-09   Construction Cost Management Services - Abbey Street Car Park Redevelopment, Ennis, Co. Clare (Ennis 2040 Designated Activity Company)
The project comprises the development of a Mixed Use Scheme which will consist of a large single storey structure to house retail, office accommodation over three levels at the northern end of the site and appropriate ancilliary facilities such as delivery yard and public realm landscaping. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Cuddy QS
2017-11-22   Single Operator Frameworks for Design Team Services for Maintenance/Refurbishment Projects (University of Limerick)
University of Limerick (UL) wishes to establish separate Single Operator Framework Agreements for Design Team Services associated with the design and construction of Maintenance / Refurbishment Projects for the University of Limerick. UL intends to use a single stage, open competition for the creation of the separate Single Operator Framework Agreements. The design team services being procured as part of this process comprise the following principal services / disciplines: Lot 1: Architectural โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Advanced Safety Management Arup Brady Shipman Martin Cuddy QS Don O'Malley and Partners Kelly Barry O'Brien Whelan Architects Kerin Contract Management