Supplier: Ballyfermot Pharmach Ltd

One archived procurement

Ballyfermot Pharmach Ltd has historically been a supplier of health and social work services, health services, and miscellaneous health services.

Recent procurements where the supplier Ballyfermot Pharmach Ltd is mentioned

2020-06-26   General Pharmacy Services to Irish Prison Service (Midlands/Portlaoise and Cloverhill/Wheatfield) (Irish Prison Service)
The Irish Prison Service intends to continue to provide an up-to-date, patient centred general pharmacy service which complies with all professional, legal and ethical standards, in a cost-effective manner to Midlands and Portlaoise Prisons (Lot 1) and Cloverhill and Wheatfield Prisons (Lot 2) by way of a contracted service with a community pharmacy, following an open tender competition. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Ballyfermot Pharmach Ltd Ballyfermot Pharmacy Ltd