2023-10-11   A11 Contracted Services for the Electrical Maintenance and Technical Support of Diving Systems and Associated Equipment (Irish Defence Forces_1144)
The provision of electrical maintenance and technical support of diving systems and associated equipment for the Irish Naval Service Diving Section. The focus of the support will center around, but not exclusively, the scheduled maintenance, general maintenance, fault finding and repair of: Underwater Robotics, Underwater Communications, Underwater Camera and Lighting Systems, Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs), Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs), Ultra-short Baseline Acoustic Systems (USBL), Portable … View the procurement »
2022-03-25   Maintenance Contract for Naval Service Wet and Dry suits (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Service seeks tenders from economic operators for the provision of a service maintenance contract for Naval Service Dry and Wet suits. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Spode Ltd
2022-01-25   Contracts Services for Diving Equipment (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Service seeks tenders from economic operators for the provision of a service contract for the electrical maintenance and technical support of diving systems and associated equipment. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: ARQ Asset Solutions
2021-07-22   3-Diver Portable Surface Supplied Diving Equipment Panel c/w Associated Accessories (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish naval Service requests tenders from economic operators for the provision of 3-diver portable surface supplied diving equipment panel c/w associated accessories. View the procurement »
2021-07-21   Contracted Services for the Electrical Maintenance and Technical Support of Diving Systems and Associated Equipment (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Service seeks tenders from economic operators for the provision of a service support contract for the electrical maintenance and technical support of diving systems and associated equipment. View the procurement »
2021-02-09   Re-compression Chamber (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Service invites tenders from economic operators for the purchase of a containerised 2 section re-compression chamber. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: IHC Hytech B.V.
2020-07-30   Drysuit Maintenance, Repair and Certification for the Irish Coast Guard (Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport)
In Summary, services comprise: to maintain, repair and certify for service the drysuits held by the Irish Coast Guard; supply of all spares and equipment required during the servicing and repairs of IRCG drysuits. View the procurement »
2020-07-06   Diving Services (Dublin Port Company)
The contracting entity proposes to engage in a competitive process for the establishment of single-party framework agreement(s) to provide diving services. The requirements will be for the successful framework member to carry out any diving operations required by Dublin Port Company. Diving services have been required on approximately 25 days per annum in recent years. It is expected that the successful framework member will be in a position to supply all equipment necessary to perform the full range of … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Irish Sea Contractors Ltd
2020-05-28   Drysuit Maintenance, Repair and Certification for the Irish Coast Guard (Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport)
To maintain, repair and certify for service the drysuits held by the Irish Coast Guard; supply of all spares and equipment required during the servicing and repairs of IRCG drysuits. View the procurement »
2020-03-25   Containerised Surface Supplied Three Gas/Three Diver Dive Control Panel c/w Hot Water Diving System and Associated... (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Service invites tenders from economic operators for the supply of containerised surface supplied three gas/three diver dive control panel c/w hot water diving system and associated accessories. View the procurement »
2020-03-18   Portable Re- Compression Chamber (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Service requests tenders from economic operators for the provision of a transportable 2-man, one compartment re-compression chamber c/w Additional chamber compartment/entrance lock. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: IHC Hytech B.V.
2017-05-29   Provision of Offshore and Nearshore Inspection Surveys (Ervia)
The Contracting Entity is seeking applications from suitably experienced inspection companies to carry out offshore, near-shore and onshore inspection surveys of 2 submarine gas transmission pipelines each approximately 200 km long, Scotland to Ireland from shore to shore, and one spur and one umbilical approximately 11 km long to the Isle of Man. The network cathodic protection is provided by means of sacrificial aluminium alloy half shell bracelet anodes. The network entire lengths are either trenched, … View the procurement »
2016-03-11   MCM AUV (Irish Naval Service)
The Minister for Defence (‘Contracting Authority’) invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified manufacturers for the provision of A Mine Countermeasures (MCM) Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) (‘Goods and Services’). View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Hydroid Inc
2015-10-07   MCM — Automated Underwater Vehicle (Irish Naval Service)
The Defence Forces invites tenders for supply of MCM (Mine Counter Measures) Automated Underwater Vehicle (s) to the Irish Naval Service. View the procurement »
2014-02-26   Structure/Dive Quay Inspection - Establishment of a multi-party framework agreement for Structural Inspections,... (Port of Cork Company)
The framework agreement will be established on foot of a competition for an initial contract for Survey and dive inspections of port quay side infrastructure. This contract will be awarded to the successful tenderer following the formal establishment of the framework agreement. The Port Of Cork Company established a Baseline Condition Survey of its quayside infrastructure in 2005, and developed a planned maintenance program to address priority issues which are identified, on a phased basis. The survey … View the procurement »
2011-04-19   Feasiblity Study for Diving (National Aquatic Centre)
The Tender objective - the development of diving at tge National Aquatic Centre (“NAC”), Dublin, Ireland; in order to allow the facility to provide a high professional standard of Diving. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=224752. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Knight, Kavanagh & Page