2017-12-18   North City Operations Depot Procurement of Works Contractor and PSCS (Dublin City Council)
North City Operations Depot Procurement of Works Contractor and PSCS. For further information please consult the associated documentation, which is available to download from www.etenders.gov.ie RFT ID 128151 View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Purcell Construction
2014-07-11   cnpy2014 - Drogheda Port Company are seeking tenders for the provision of a canopy type break bulk store (Drogheda Port Company)
Drogheda Port Company are seeking tenders for the provision of a canopy type break bulk store, comprising of a roof on a steel frame type to cover an existing port storage area of approximately 1500m2. The building fit for purpose in a port environment should conform to the grant of permission issued on 23.6.2014 and certified on completion in accordance with current building regulation requirements and lighting to conform to appropriate electrical industry standards. View the procurement ยป