2022-05-20   Multi-party framework for Waste Management Services for the removal, transport and recovery of waste tyres (Galway County Council)
Multi-party framework for Waste Management Services for the removal, transport and recovery of waste tyres. Initial project for the removal, transport and recovery of waste tyres at an East Galway Waste facility View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: PPP Group
2021-12-07   Waste Management Services for the removal, transport and recovery of waste tyres at the East Galway Waste facility (Galway County Council)
Waste Management Services for the removal, transport and recovery of waste tyres at the East Galway Waste facility View the procurement ยป
2014-04-28   MCC_Waste_Tyres_Disposal โ€“ Tender for the Removal and Disposal of Waste (end of life) Tyres (Mayo County Council)
Approx. 400 000 of end of life tyres are currently stored at Carrandine, (Carrowdangan) Balla, County Mayo, which is located approximately 5 km south west of the town of Kiltimagh. This figure is an estimate. Given that the scale of the development and the mix of tyres on site it is very difficult to ascertain the exact number of tyres. A significant volume of the tyres are baled, but it is estimated that approximately 15% are loose. The tyre bales average between 750 kg and 1 000 kg in weight and โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป